Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Cleaning on the Outside!

It’s that time of year again! Break out the cleaning supplies because it’s time to wash out the winter dirt and grime and get ready for a warm, beautiful and CLEAN spring! When we think of spring-cleaning, we mostly think of cleaning out the bathroom, closets and kitchen but what about the exterior of your home? We think it’s just as important to spruce up your garden, porch, deck and other outdoor accessories to keep your home in tiptop shape. Here are a few tips to keep your entire home clean and fresh this spring!

- Get Your Mind IN The Gutter: We know this is one of the LAST things you want to do when the weather is nice but it’s so important to keep water damage out! Scoop out all the gunk that’s been building up in your gutters all winter. Leaves, twigs and other outdoor nuisances should be disposed of so you have no water damage to worry about this year!

- Bring Out the Cars: Keeping your garage clean is so important for the spring and summer, since most outdoor activities are kept safely tucked away in the back of it. Sweep out the dirt that’s been collected all winter and ORGANIZE! Invest in shelves or closets that keep sports in one section, tools in another and storage somewhere else. This will make playing outdoors with the kids so much more enjoyable when you can easily find that old basketball!

- Get the Green Thumb: Before stepping back into your garden, make sure your entire lawn is clean. Get rid of old, soggy leaves and branches that have been in your yard all winter so your grass can grow long and green! Before planting your favorite flower, research your plants to see when is the best time to plant and when they will bloom! This way your garden always looks bright and colorful during the warm months.

- Wash Away the Winter: If dirt has been building on your home and deck all winter think about a power wash. You can hire a company to do it for you, or rent a power washer yourself. This will make your home look that much nicer when entertaining guests outside. If paint has been chipped away, think of adding a new coat this spring.

If you need more storage or there is lots of yard waste call us at GPOD and we’ll deliver a dumpster and/or storage pod right to your home! Order online today!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Family Fun!

It’s been a rough winter, and it may not even be over, but we’ve been looking forward to Spring for a while and March is just the month to get our hopes up! In honor of the big March holiday, St. Patrick’s Day, and in hopes of warmer weather, we’ve put together some fun family crafts you can do whether it’s still snowing or starting to warm up! Be sure to tell us which craft projects you tried and how they turned out in the comment section below or on Facebook!
Snowman Popcorn: If it’s cold and snow comes once again, stay nice and warm inside while still getting the thrill of a snowman. These popcorn snowmen are the perfect snack when stuck inside. So get a hold of the new Disney movie Frozen that is now on DVD, cozy up by the fire and enjoy this delicious treat!

            Simple pop your favorite kind of popcorn, decorate clear plastic cups with sharpie with two black eyes, a carrot nose and a mouth that resembles a snowman! Top it off with some GREEN ribbon to show your St.Patrick’s Day spirit! 

Shamrock Kettles: If the weather starts to pick up and Spring is in the air try this cute activity with the kids. They’ll show off their green thumb while celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and enjoying a wonderful weekend afternoon. Head to your local dollar store and buy small, plastic pots (see picture.) Then stop at your local Home Depot and grab and pack of shamrock seeds! Gather your kids, plant the seeds in the pots and watch them grow during the days leading up to St. Patrick’s Day! When the big day comes, see if you grew any four-leaf clovers!

Leprechaun Handprint: Whether it’s cold and you’re looking for an indoor activity, or it’s a beautiful warm day, this activity could be done anywhere! This easy and fun leprechaun painting is a great afternoon activity and will be very festive hung in your home! Simply purchase greed, orange and nude paint (environmentally friendly and safe for finger-painting of course!), plain white pieces of paper, black and gold construction paper and eyes from a craft store. Then follow this picture to make an adorable leprechaun that will bring you luck all March long!
Be sure to let us know which activities you tried and how they turned out! Leave a comment below and/or send us pictures on Facebook! Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!