Friday, June 28, 2013

When Mother Nature Strikes...

Mother Nature is an unpredictable parent who can bring warm sunny days as well as cause great destruction. Lately we have been hit with some severe natural disasters. The Oklahoma tornado tragedies come with horrific pictures of crumbled homes and stories of children in danger. Hurricane Sandy hit close to home while destroying our Eastern Shoreline and causing massive power outages in large cities like New York and Philadelphia. But when Mother Nature has a bad day, who is there to clean up her mess? Dumpster services like GPOD are here to serve our community and straighten up after Mother Nature strikes.

  • After calling GPOD to take away the big debris, here are some tips on how to keep safe while cleaning up after a natural disaster.
  •   Do not go near or enter a building that has not been inspected by a professional
  • Wear construction gear such as hard hats, goggles and work gloves to protect yourself
  • Stay away from anything that contains carbon monoxide. This dangerous gas can cause severe illness and death, leave it to professionals in gas masks to take care of your stove, heaters etc.
  • Discard items that cannot be washed and disinfected
  • Don’t turn on any electrical devices, especially after a disaster dealing with water!
  • Be sure to have a first aid kit on hand in case of any cuts or abrasions. Infections are more common when working in a dirty environment

GPOD is proud to offer their services after any natural disasters. Sandy is not the first and certainly will not be last natural disaster to occur on the East Coast, and GPOD will always be around to help out! Disaster areas all around the world are still trying to get back on their feet, so be sure to donate to the red cross or another recognized charity that aids recovery when Mother Nature hits hard!

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